The Holy Spirit is an Individual
The Holy Spirit is an Individual. We could say He is a Person. Sometimes that is confusing because we often think of a person with a body and brain. Interestingly, He doesn’t have a brain or body but is the most intelligent Individual and possesses the body of all those who truly walk with Jesus Christ. He exists ontologically (a fancy word for metaphysically), but He is not restricted to one place at a time.
He is mysterious and fascinating. In a prior post, the Tri-unity of God was discussed. Each of the three Individuals within the Godhead are eternally distinct personal expressions but are undivided. They each manifest unique roles. Much of what we know of the Holy Spirit was not revealed for most of history. Jesus Christ revealed more to us about His Spirit (Acts 16:7) while on earth. There is a reason why.
The Holy Spirit doesn’t look for the limelight. He is perfectly pleased to highlight the Son who then makes much of the Father. He came to glorify the Son (John 16:14). It has been said that if you went to a party with the Holy Spirit and attempted to introduce Him to others, He would step back and push Jesus Christ forward. This is why the Spirit was mysterious and not fully understood or revealed until the Son was revealed. He has always worked behind the scenes but begins to take more of a noticeable role in the lives of the saints in this era. So He has not taken a more active role but expresses His character perceptibly during these latter years of history.
These are truths that can be difficult to grasp at first. Once we begin to marinate on them, our thinking adjusts, and it is not so misunderstood. In fact, the more we realize the reality of the Tri-unity, the more awe and amazement fills our lives. This is exactly what the Holy Spirit desires to build within us. When we can take our focus off of self and place it onto Christ and understand Him, we will be more satisfied than we can actually imagine.
At COR (City of Refuge), we are continuing our series on What We Believe. This Sunday we will discuss the Holy Spirit. What did He do at the beginning of creation, or during the time of the Old Covenant (Old Testament), and how does He relate to us now. Our gatherings are in the Union University Building at 10 AM in Hendersonville. We invite you to join in on the discussion!