The Blog

Thoughts and Musings from City of Refuge Church

What is your Kryptonite?

There is a shiny green rock that causes paralysis for those with super powers. The closer you get to it, the weaker you become. So you have to get away from it. When you start to feel catatonic, you know that it is near even if you can’t see it. Putting it around your neck is the worst thing you can do.

None of us have super powers. We all have weakness and specific temptations of self-absorption and indifference. Each person has different idiosyncrasies. They creep up on us subtly. No matter how hard we try to get away from them, they are inside of us. Imagine being born with kryptonite implants that can be triggered at certain times by particular things.

My downfall is going to be different than yours. We are similar in that we are all being pulled by the gravity of depravity. How do you deal with yours? Do you try to run from it, avoid it, or have you stopped trying? Do you let it control you?

How do you eradicate your weaknesses? The only way is to rely on Someone stronger. If you focus on not falling prey to the weaknesses, you are still focused on the weaknesses. You must shift your attention. Jesus Christ was the true Superman. He is the Son of God and became human. He has no kryptonite. There is nothing that deludes His power. He can help us with our enticements. Ask Him to change you. Throw off that heavy, green albatross and toss it to Him. Ask Him for strength. You will not regret it!