Watch Me
There is a new commercial by Samsung. It shows young people using the camera on their phone to record various situations. These short videos express creativity through something they made: a stunt they perform, a dance, or any moment they deem worth capturing. The commercial advertises doing what people tell you that you can’t do.
The ability to record a moment of significance has only been possible through cell phones for a few years, through a video camera for less than a century, and the still photo for less than two centuries. Yet, our mind records all these things daily. We cannot remember them all, but at this point, we do have more memory capacity than the average camera or phone. For how many cameras or cell phones have lasted 93 years like my grandparents?
But where does the concept of the still image or the recording of a moment of motion come from? Why are we interested in them? Why do we keep all the photos and videos that we know with certainty from simple math that we won’t have enough time to observe as time goes by?
God sees all things happening all at one time – past, present, and future. And every moment is significant to Him. Like a father that doesn’t want to let to go of that moment their child smiled, walked, and talked for the first time, He can see it. Like a friend that enjoys taking a selfie with us, He enjoys being caught arm and arm with us. Like a young person wanting to create something fun, new, and intriguing, He creates. Then, He observes, He smiles, and if He wanted to, He could watch it in His mind again.
God desires to see your life in action. He has the best vantage point. He made you in His image. You have intelligence, a free will to choose, the ability to create, lead, relate, and enjoy life. All of this images Him. You are the recording He is paying attention to live. We are just now catching up to a smidgen of the perspective that God has had all along.
If you have ever taken a photo, recorded a video, or looked at either, Jesus Christ is watching you do so. He is watching you watch that video and observe that photo. In other words, you are mirroring what He is doing while focused on you. As you get older and are surrounded by children, you begin to request less to be watched and accept more to watch others. Yet, it doesn’t mean you want to be forgotten. You just become more others-centered. This is exactly how God is. He doesn’t do a whole lot of requesting, “Hey, watch Me, watch Me.” But, He is too worthy to go unnoticed.
When you do request to be watched, God is the first in line. He wants you to know that He enjoys you with all your gifts and talents in which He gave you. He also desires to be known. Don’t forget where this concept of observing and living out life comes from. Don’t forget He notices you!