The Blog

Thoughts and Musings from City of Refuge Church

The Master of the Universe

As a young boy, I watched the cartoon He-Man. He was powerful and watching him in action on TV was fascinating. He fought against the bad guys but was a humble man. In the story he would call for power by saying, “by the power of Grayskull, I have the power,” and then he would transform. Lightning would flash but once he morphed it seemed to be a subtle change. He still looked and sounded about the same, but he was more assertive. He-Man claimed to be a Master of the Universe when in full power.

I bet many parents that were ultra conservative didn’t let their children watch the show because of whom He-Man claimed to be. This is understandable. My life would have gone on just fine had I never watched the show. Yet, I never struggled with thinking He-man must actually be in control of all things. It did raise the question though. Who is the real Master of the Universe? Outside of the cartoon, in reality, who is in control?

Jesus Christ claimed to be THE Son of God. He claimed to be equal with God. He accepted worship as God. He claimed to exist eternally. He was known to rise from the dead which was claimed by His followers many of which gave their life as martyrs for this claim.

He lived in humility. He didn’t use His power to destroy or get ahead. He was very submissive as opposed to rogue and manifested ethereal self-control instead of being out of control. He claimed that He came to serve people instead of being served.

All of these claims are recorded in what is called the Gospels, which are the first four manuscripts (we sometimes call them books) of the Bible. You could read all four in the amount of time it would take to watch a ball game or your favorite long movie. If you even read one of them, you would notice that He did things that are supernatural, but He eventually gave His life up claiming that it was because of His love for us. It’s as if the Master the Universe was wearing civilian garb and used His power against supernatural forces FOR humanity rather than AGAINST humanity. If all that is true, it is quite spectacular. If it is not true, the question remains. Who is the Master of the Universe?

As the City of Refuge, we believe Jesus Christ holds all the power. We believe He utilized that power impeccably. We believe that He came to rescue us from spiritual bondage that we could not undo. He is worth our attention. You are welcome to join us Easter and learn more. We believe that He desires to empower us to represent Him. Would you like to know more? Contact us.