The Entitlement Complex
It is so important to teach a child as early as possible that they are not the center of the universe. This is not done by abusing them, but it is also not accomplished by coddling them. Letting them do whatever, have whatever, and react in any way will create a monster. They must have boundaries and consequences. These two go hand in hand like two sides of the same coin.
When you set a boundary for someone, you must first state the boundary clearly so they know exactly what it is to the point that they can repeat it. You must then explain the consequence that will occur if they break the boundary and cross the line. The next part is the most important! You must follow through with the consequence set forth when the boundary is broken. It would be better not to set a boundary than to state it and not follow through with the consequence. To do so teaches someone that they can get away with anything leading to the belief that they can control you and others because you are all talk.
Now, when a child is given all they want and more, they are spoiled. When they can do anything without repercussion, they are spoiled. When they are allowed to kick, bite, scream, spit, and throw things when they don’t get their way, they are spoiled. It has to be nipped in the bud. Let’s be clear; there is no excuse for abusing a child. In a sense, though, spoiling a child is one form of abuse. You rob and neglect them from maturity and responsibility.
If you let a child figuratively get away with murder, later in life, it may not be so figurative. They will think that they are above the law and that they can make their own rules for life and others. You see, what is worse than a 2-year-old that thinks they’re the center of the universe, is a 12-year-old thinking they are the center of the universe. Imagine a 22-year-old or 42-year-old. It gets more sophisticated, dark, sick, and twisted. They are like a baby that is rotten. Only they’re huge and demonic. A big, huge, demonic baby! It sounds funny until you are married to them, or they are your boss, or they are your grown-up child.
The mentality that one is entitled to whatever is a major plague in our society. It is a disease. It is ruining our civilization, and it usually doesn’t occur because someone’s childhood was rough. It often occurs because someone got one too many toys. They were never taught how losing a game is not the end of the world. They were often not taught that experiencing loss is just a part of life. They were usually not schooled in the good ole swat on the rear now and then.
I had a satisfying childhood. My parents were not afraid to discipline me. Plus, I went to daycare for about the first nine years of my life. The older ladies there didn’t take crap from nobody. That was just the medicine I needed. They were nobody’s puppet. Over time I learned trying to control people is childish.
What are you teaching your kids? What about yourself? What do you see in the mirror? An entitled brat or a work in progress who wants to be known as a disciplined, hardworking citizen? Think about it. It’s never too late to grow up. We could use a few grown-ups in our society about now.