The Blog

Thoughts and Musings from City of Refuge Church

Redemption Groups

The word “redeem” can mean to reclaim or recover. The person that has placed their trust in Jesus Christ to forgive them of all their transgression has been redeemed from the grip of self-absorption that sustained division from God. A redeemed individual is immediately pardoned from their state of guilt accruing the penalty of an eternal death sentence. Yet, the process of purging them from the effects of the self-absorption that still lingers within them and all around them takes much time. It can take a lifetime to uproot most of the habits that are centered on self. Redemption has objectively occurred once and for all in the spiritual realm, but the redeeming process of forming a new lifestyle is subjectively ongoing.

Some individuals are privileged to experience this alteration early in life before they form serious unhealthy habits. Others were raised in an environment and culture that minimized self-centeredness and prevented them from developing pathological hang-ups although they still have not put their faith in Christ Jesus. While their transgression is no less offensive to the Almighty, whose world they live in, they don’t have as much baggage to deal with daily.

For some, however, they were introduced to addictions early in life. A decadent culture, genetic predisposition, and ignorance create a nasty combination. When an addiction is legitimate, it has cultivated into a neurological muscle memory defection. It is complicated. The longer it goes unnoticed or has an unawareness of legitimacy, the more severe the rehabilitation process. Unfortunately, there are just as many ineffective rehabilitation programs as there are those individuals that do not truly desire to change because they long for the surge produced from the chemicals triggered within their body ignited by compulsion.

When a person lives with addiction and then offers their life to Jesus Christ, it does not guarantee that the dark obsession goes away immediately. They desire to shift loyalty and change direction but years of building patterns do not crumble so quickly. If they join a group within the church and most of the attendees do not understand their situation they can feel like a black sheep. Worse, if the group leader is not trained in how to relate to them or experienced a former life of addiction, they can feel misunderstood by even the more mature in the church.

Community is what they need but maybe more so with those that understand their former life or current struggle. More time for healing and more sympathy from a leader is at stake.

What is the solution? Redemption Groups.

These groups exist specifically for those that have fallen prey to addictions and desire to leave that lifestyle to embrace the way of Christ. It is a safe environment in which each attendee offers accountability with comradery. The leader is the key. They understand the culture and know how to lead each participant beyond the cycle.

Maybe you would like to attend a Redemption Group before you attend a Community Group. Perhaps you have not even trusted in Jesus Christ to redeem your soul, but you desire to meet with others that understand your plight and want to help. Maybe you need company with those that are neither cheesy nor careless. Let us know how we can help!