Launching Out
The church has begun! I’m not just talking about the local church, I mean the entire universal church. 2000 years ago Jesus Christ died and was raised from the dead. He ascended to heaven and then sent His Holy Spirit on those that followed Him. The church was born.
What is the church you may ask? It is simply the gathering of the people that are devoted to Christ. Before he ascended, Jesus Christ commissioned His followers to live for Him and tell others about Him wherever they live and wherever they go (Acts 1:8). Once the good news of Jesus Christ began to spread throughout the world, people began to assemble regularly to be encouraged about their new faith. This local assembly began to be called the church in all parts of the world.
All types of churches exist. Remember the church is the people, not the building or place in which they assemble. There are :
- big churches and small churches
- healthy churches and unhealthy churches
- exciting churches and boring churches
- dying churches and vibrant churches
- old churches and new churches
For every boring, unhealthy, dying church that exists, a new one should rise up that is healthy and vibrant. Fortunately, a new local church is beginning just north of Nashville.
The Gospel Commission seeks to assemble a new group of people as a church. We want it to be like a “city of refuge” that people can come to and find spiritual rest (Numbers 35:9-15). The rest occurs corporately while being in the presence of God, in each other’s company where we can share our burdens, and in the hearing of truth that feeds our souls. Rest can even occur when we serve together and look outside of ourselves to meet the needs of our community.
The work of Christ thousands of years ago has caused a ripple effect. That has led to the planting of new local churches all over the globe.
Would you like to launch out with us in the North of Nashville area? If so, contact us.