The Bad News of the Good News
Often we see the word gospel as an adjective describing other words. There’s gospel music, the gospel truth, and gospel hour. But gospel actually means good news. Then we should ask “so what?” Good news about what or who? Why is it such good news?
If someone comes up to us and says they have good news, it will not be significant if we are already having a great day. But if our day is mediocre or bad, then good news is what we’ve been waiting on. It’s what we need. We want to hear and can’t get enough.
Although the gospel means good news, it includes bad news. It is beyond bad though. It is horrible news. That is what makes the good news of the gospel so good.
God created all things. He is a good King and a wonderful Father. Our first parents rebelled. They were deceived, but they were not forced to make a decision. They had everything and chose the basest of items to sabotage their most invaluable gift. They had all the food they needed, more pets than could be counted, a luxurious garden, the best conditions on the planet. And it wasn’t just Paradise; they had an intimate relationship with the Creator, the King.
Their center of attention was their Maker and not themselves, but after the rebellion, it was in reverse. They now centered on themselves and not God. Their condition was irreversible on their own. Then they began to produce our ancestors. They were born infected into bondage without hope of a cure from this world.
The cure could only be decided by God, beyond this world. Their state was hopeless. If God had not made a move, there was no way out of the darkness. This is bad news indeed.
Do you feel like life is this way? Are you struggling with a situation and you can’t get out? You’ve been in the dark and do not see the light at the end? Have you felt like you were in a perpetual state of bad news?
This is when the gospel of Jesus Christ shines so brightly. You see, the gospel is good news about someone. It is about how God sent someone to Redeem us and bring us back into the light. He makes a way where there was no way. He offers Himself up to be sacrificed in order for us to be free. He has a solution and provision for you.
Do not allow your bad news keep you from knowing and see the good news. The gospel of Jesus Christ is available to you. He is the way to healing. Ask God to overcome your darkness with His light. Ask Him to replace your bad news with good.